Initially of course the German pops out to me, and even in switching the language to English, all the details and search words are in German, so that may be an additional point of friction if you’re a non-German speaker looking to utilize this data set.

Beyond this though, I appreciate the data set for what it offers: a huge archive of photos, built-in capabilities for searching, zooming, saving, and each photo has what seems to be a decent list of properties attached to it: title, place, comments, technique, etc; for some properties like technique, you can also navigate from there to other photos in the data set that share that property. One concern I have is regarding the idea of “context” from the Frischknecht reading; not all the photos have commentary in their properties, and I’m wondering how this differential amount of context for different images leads to differential abilities to use them, understand them, etc.

Overall I really enjoy the data set as it is, and I would love to see some projects and findings that have arisen by using this data set.