Transmedia Storytelling

Transmedia storytelling can be an incredibly effective way to engage visitors in our final project of designing pop-up museums. One of our ideas of separating a large painting of a giant into small portions and making those individual exhibition rooms needs the support of a coherent storytelling. For example, for the painting by the Japanese artist, the goal is for the viewers to have this ultimate realization that they have been traveling through only small parts of the painting, being exposed to different body parts of the giant. Therefore, it is important that through framed words on the walls, AR soundscape, and recreation of the sceneries, we can let viewers have a notion of the complete storyline and take note of what part they are going through at the moment. It is similar to the concept mentioned by the author about Hollywood’s approach of transmedia storytelling, which is constructing a world for the viewers instead of simply telling them separate stories.

First, since we are trying to create the sceneries in the painting into a small modelled world, it is important to have coherent room narratives. In the example of the Japanese artist’s painting of a giant, each separate exhibition room represents a distinct body part of the giant. By integrating elements like framed words on the walls, AR soundscapes, and recreated sceneries, visitors will be able to piece together the complete story as they progress through each room, and eventually reach the realization that they are seeing the whole body part by part. A coherent storytelling approach can help enhance the visitor experience by using lighting, scents, and tactile elements to recreate the atmosphere depicted in the painting. We need to focus on the coherency of our design, such as using the same architectural structure, color theme, and installation throughout the different small exhibition rooms.

Also, we can use other aids to make the theme of the pop up museum stand out more to the viewers so that when they exit they have a very clear impression of the overall theme and can have more reflections back home. We can create digital platforms emphasizing the theme of the pop up museum. For instance, there can be videos of background stories, and we can even try to create short introduction videos like the one made by Coca Cola.