Experience Economy

  • Re performance everywhere: in general, these tend to be limited to very touristy areas, and aren’t that prevalent in more affluent or working neighborhoods. This article attempts to conflate some cheap marketing tricks with a societal proliferation.
  • Absolutely agree about the tricks listed, but I’d hesitate to call them principles — I think a more prevalent them that has shown it’s worth with the advent of digital marketing and the massive expansion of content is personalization; simple cues like changing color of a site can make a massive difference in how likely they are to fill out a form or make a purchase, and it’s incredible how much relatively minor cues can change the odds in these types of setting. I think that the physical world has yet to catch on, where with the advent of wearables and digital + physical mesh it’s only a matter of time before there exist similar opportunities.

    First-time and repeat visitors

  • Interesting statistics, I would also be interested in reading about a more in-depth analysis of the activities/reasons that people head to a museum; there is suggestion in this summary article about “social bonding experience”, but little in terms of concrete ideas/activities (for example, I’ve anecdotally noted that people going on dates is common.
  • I’d also like to add that, from a strictly financial point of view, the identification of target audience ought to include how much the consumer is willing to spend, and how to elicit that. More thoughts on this in class.