“Each experience derives from the interation between the staged event and the individual’s prior state of mind and being.”

The first reading talks a lot on creating that staged event- but I wonder, what about the factor of the individual’s prior state of mind/being? In the second reading, one of the points they discovered that a lot of people seem to remember the negative aspects of the museum experience, rather than the curators’ messages. I thought this was interesting because the museum experience is actually much more than just the exhibits- it’s the parking, walking in, the ticket line, the amount of people and their behavior inside of the museum, the process of leaving, etc. A lot of those can influence someone’s prior state of mind before ever even seeing the exhibits.

It feels a little unfair if you spend all this time designing an experience but the experiencer wasn’t even ready for it in the first place due to external circumstances. Have museums taken this into account? What are existing solutions?