As Pine and Gilmore stated, “Experiences are memorable events.” I learn the most about and engage best with objects at museums when I visit them by myself. My most memorable events are those in which I connected with the object or with family or friends over an object that sparked a great conversation. I can’t say I like one over the other because each visit has a different purpose.

When I go to museums by myself, I am able to interact with the objects without having my opinions influenced by others. Also, the solitude in the museum is underappreciated. The experience of standing before an artifact can be both therapeutic and illuminating.

The fact that expectation was not related to satisfaction in the Dorn and Polegato’s study is surprising. A lot of times, when an experience doesn’t live up to expectations, it can become monotonous. Yet, this is dependent on a variety of factors, including personality traits. Some people are able to extract the best out of every experience, and some just can’t help but notice what went wrong.