I really enjoyed the visual presentation of the Ernst Brunner photo collection, I found the website very easy to navigate and it highlighted the photos by using white background and minimalist framing. One notable thing is the idea that the photo signature (something like SGV_12N_00161) is always included, but the title is bolded under the photograph- although the titles are not necessarily unique. It also follows the design philosophy that was presented in the reading: to have collections first and details (as well as an HD image) on demand.

The archive shows initially no hierarchy of the images, which is one big difference I find between a curated show (or even a portfolio) and an archive. It gives each photo equal importance, and I also really enjoyed reading the collection descriptions that the user can scroll down to to change collections. I’m particularly drawn to the gorgeous photos from the Leuenberger family collection, with color slides from the journalist Ursula Rellstab and the photographer Max Buchmann.