It was interesting to read about how “curation” can essentially be thought of as the filtration and organization of an array of materials and cultural records to create “value, impact, and quality”. It is evident that the curator, who acts as a “supervisor” to this organization of records, has power in shaping our interpretations and ideas. If, like the reading suggests, creating impact and value are essential to this idea of “curating”, it is interesting to consider the many curators of our lives - from teachers/educators as curators of knowledge, parents and authority figures as curators of morals, etc.

In the digital age, there exists an abundance of information and knowledge (“collections”), most of which cannot keep up with the capabilities of “traditional institutions of memory”. This results in plenty of “data trash”, highlighting the essential role of a curator in today’s age to navigate these collections. With the plethora of information today, the “curator” has more power than ever in dictating which voices and stories are heard from this “infinite array of potential tales”.