This reading highlights how the practice of copying resources to proliferate knowledge within the scholarly community was seen as “inherently good,” which brought to my attention a difference in attitudes. While digitizing has played a major role in making previously rare resources more widely available, we also discussed previously in class the treasured “oneness” of the objects we find in museums. It seems like if visitors’ top priority in visiting museums was to gain knowledge, the public would be more open to the idea of viewing replicas or digital art. One could study the brushstrokes of a painting or the details of a paleontological artifact just as clearly on a well-done duplicate as the original. Yet, there still seems to be some reservation in embracing replicated objects, which makes me think that there is some psychological element at play that makes a unique object more attractive. Perhaps it’s the bond between the stories an object represents and the viewer that resonates more strongly through an original object. If so, one application of technology in museums could be to consider how to preserve this connection across time and people.