I was pretty interested in the article “2040: Hello and Welcome to the Future” which describes how the role of museums has changed in the past couple decades. Rozan comments on how museums have become more interdisciplinary as a result of the declining popularity of the traditional museum styles. It seems that in the modern day, museums are cultural centers far more than they are just ways to study history. This is a pretty interesting change - growing up I always associated museums with famous old works of art, but perhaps now the classification can be applied more generally. I used to spend a lot of time at the local observatory near my house which had exhibits about science and the night sky with telescopes to look through and demonstrations to watch. Perhaps this is a more modern interpretation of a museum that Rozan is talking about - somewhere that you can go to look at cool things, but also to learn as a child or even as an adult.

Previously, museums were primarily places for people to look at relics of the past, but they’ve since grown into ways to look to the present and future. Rozan comments that “20 percent of the jobs that will exist in 2060 haven’t been invented yet” and that museums can rise to fill the role of public education for the more diverse work styles that may exist in the future. This part also seems quite interesting to me - the observatory I went to a lot as a kid served as a community center where kids could get lectures from nearby high schoolers about random science topics. Perhaps at some point in the future such “science - museums” ill evolve into also serving as places for adults to learn cutting edge science.