Update: Regarding the brochure, I also envision it to be expanded by AR technology, specifically for navigation and general introduction. Similar to Tamiko Thiel’s works, people can use their own devices to view directions and comments. Another project idea that I thought about before is actually similar to Shayna’s idea of viewing AR artworks outside of the museum space. Using their own devices, people can go on a tour at any open space. They can also just be individual works for leisure that doesn’t take a lot of time.

Every museum we go to has brochures that introduce the viewer to the museum in general and/or featured exhibitions the museum is having. People may pick up one when they go to a museum for the first time or in order to learn a bit more about the exhibition in description. But once the brochure is in my hand, I don’t really read it very carefully and it actually becomes somewhat unnecessary. Therefore, I want to find a way to incorporate brochure into the museum experience and give it more purposes.

I want to add interactive functions to its basic purpose of navigation and introduction. For example, visitors can scan the code on the brochure and enter a virtual space where they can take notes, pictures, and short videos and add to the space where they can later return to after their visit or during their second visit. They can also choose to post things in a public space where people can view each other’s notes and reflections. If visitors come with companisons, they can also create things together.

My envisioned audience would be people who hope for a more reflective experience and want to record their museum experience on a single device easily and be able to revisit their experience afterwards. Potential museum collaborators would be MFA and Getty. I’m thinking about a mobile app that will involve programming and UI/UX design, but I’m not very familiar with the technical part.