UPDATE: For Youth Over Yonder, I think the idea could expand beyond a resource and more into a tool for engagement. This could mean beyond getting museum youth prices, also creating some type of interactive points system or sharing apparatus that would work to engage teens from their experiences at a museum. I’m still a little uncertain on what tools would engage teenagers, especially because I’m no longer one :/

Considering my Complete Consumption idea, I do still like the idea of a holistic experience being curated for you beyond the museum visit. I do realize, however, that creating connections between experiences is not that easy. An update I have for this project idea is that maybe the suggestions aren’t necessarily experiences such as restaurants or other attractions for one to visit, but are instead things like recipes and books and other entertainment and media that are related. The user would scan a piece of artwork at a museum, and the program would return tidbits about the history, process, or artist of the piece and then provide photos with links to related media.

I think my idea of providing extra background into the creation and miscellaneous background of an art piece could potentially be connected to other projects. I really like Justin’s idea of looking at the foot traffic of museums, and it would be cool to somehow have a two-way system where the user scanning for more information also provides information to the app of what pieces the user decided to scan. I also like Mulan’s idea of enhancing museum brochures and can see how it could connect to my idea, where maybe the user scans a QR code on the brochure and gets these related experiences and background information.

Youth Over Yonder

  • The problem this project aims to address is the low participation of the youth in cultural experiences such as museums. The project would attempt to provide a resource where museums with discounted youth prices are collected in one area for students to reference.
  • The envisioned audience for this project would be teenagers. Parents with younger children could also potentially use this project.
  • Potential museum collaborators would be ones with a very strong interest in youth engagement. Potentially the University museums where student prices and student participation are prominent.
  • The technological approach would include something similar to the Artbot methodology. A front-end website would allow users to log in and find museums and their youth admissions in the area. In the backend, the website would scrape museum websites in the area and return their youth prices.
  • Skills sets needed: Web design, Web scraping

Complete Consumption

  • This project would attempt to address the issue of museum engagement and the longevity of an experience on an audience. This project would aim to create a more memorable experience by providing experiences that tangentially relate to details in a primary experience. A prominent example of this would be providing restaurants that have themes similar to museums exhibitions, or similar cultural backgrounds.
  • The envisioned audience for this project would be people who go to museums as a part of an outing rather than for the museum itself. Something like families or adults who have a ‘day trip’ just to go out, and do arrive at museums with the intention to fully connect with all of the objects inside.
  • Potential museum collaborators: Art museums, local restaurants?
  • Technological approach: I imagined utilizing museum databases, artwork databases, and restaurant menus. These would either be accessed through finding a database or scraping websites. The restaurant menus on their website would be scraped. When a user submits a museum or exhibition that they visit, the project would look for keywords in the artwork description/artist background, and then match it with an experience nearby.
  • Skills sets needed: Web design, Web scraping, Databases