For class today I read “Augmented Reality is Transforming Museums” by Miranda Katz. I think this article brings up kind of an interesting point about the consent of the institution when it comes to AR and the possibility of regulating the way AR technology can be used. The fact that AR can exist anywhere and can be used to contribute to a space without needing official approval to me is what makes the technology feel empowering and exciting. I hadn’t really considered before how dependent this is on the cooperation of those spaces and how the current potential of AR, and what it can be used for now, could easily be limited if different institutions decide that it needs to be regulated. As AR depends on an individual’s ability to access and use the technology required to view it, this could be as simple as banning phone use in particular spaces, which is already common practice in many museums. This also brings to mind for the question of what other forms of interaction we’ve missed out on because current rules and norms of behavior in museum spaces haven’t allowed them to take shape.