What really stood out to me in this article was the approach that the team took in developing this project. The choice to develop technology for visually impaired museum goers highlighted for me the understanding of how the museum experience may need to be adapted to be accessible for other audiences who may not feel welcome in the space, or come to mind immediately as a group interested in the experience. It was useful to understand how they went from question to end product with limited knowledge initially about what their target users needed and the technology required to best support them. I’ve seen the iterative approach to development used a lot in game design, where prototypes are regularly playtested to make sure they meet the goals of the project and mechanics are intuitive for players, and it was helpful to see how it was adapted for this context. Many of the things brought up by users are things that I would not have considered if I were to develop something like this on my own. As we start to create our own projects in class, I’ll probably keep a lot of these things in mind and try to apply them to my own work.