I think creating a functional model in which “distraction, engagement, flow experience, and pleasure-driven are not goal-oriented, but motivated by the process” is a very interesting concept. It constructs an online version of what people usually do when they go to a museum, and it is theoretically easier to access and browse. It can also be considered as “cultural artifacts” because of its resemblance to how museums present information. I feel that in this process, users are less active in finding what they want. They become more like receivers of selected information. In a way this is a great approach for people to explore something new that is not necessarily specific because, at first, people are more likely to browse things that they are more familiar with. And by accommodating people’s interests, this interface creates a wider map for them to discover. This idea of browsing makes me think about TikTok and how it uses algorithms to continue feeding users things they might be interested in. Apparently this model requires solid understanding of data and users because of the complexity of digital cultural collections. It also has the problem that some items become outcasters that are very hard to be discovered in any way, while the popular ones become even more popular. Also, given the large quantity of digical collections, I wonder if how the items are presented may affect the frequency of viewing because people may not spend a lot of time browsing the same category.