I found this article about Christie’s sale of Marina Abramović’s mixed reality work really interesting because just recently Christie’s is planning on auctioning some really pricey NFT’s. Watching an auction house try and get in on what the future of art could be makes this article written in 2019 seem kind of mellow in comparision. While Abramović’s 19 minute long piece received opposing reviews, the center of contention for the article was more about how the experience itself was being sold. The buyer would receive the recording and the wearable spacial computing devices. Maybe it’s the stretch of progress AR and VR have made in the past couple years that didn’t make me think that the actual sale and consumption was the most confusing part of this transaction. I initially just assumed that there was more controversy over what digital art can be deemed worthy of. I also just question the audience and the appeal, the video is of Abramović wearing a red dress pacing around the viewer. How much value is there in something that can be played over and over again? Is the idea of mixed reality, still being able to see the outside world, more fascinating because you are essentially watching worlds collide?