I find it fascinating how companies use AR as a means of publicity. Of course, the AR gallery must have been a fascinating one. Walking through the streets of New York with these incredible pieces popping up depending on your location must have been unbelievable but again, there is always the publicity aspect. I don’t think it is wrong, I just find it actually really interesting how, as technology continues developing, companies have to keep thinking of new ways to reach their customers. I actually think that this was a brilliant idea. I mean, the walk starts right at an Apple store and anyone who wanted to see the gallery had to use an iPhone.

With regard to the actual gallery, I think that it was a fantastic idea to include interactive elements. I strongly believe that interactive galleries can have a much stronger impact on the users, especially if there is a visual aspect embedded in them. I would really like to explore more the AR world. Bringing the actual place where one is physically present by just using a phone is a fascinating thing to me.