In their article “Marina Abramović on using VR and empathy to help save the world”, Ashleigh Kane introduces Abramovic’s Rising, a VR experience that situates the user in the middle of the Arctic sea surrounded by melting ice caps, simultaneously watching a virtual Abramovic drown in a glass box filled with water. While Rising involves a looming dystopian reality, I think that virtual reality can also be a tool for us to imagine more optimistic versions of the future and how we can get there. About Rising, Abramovic says “I think this emotional experience can actually turn into action on their side.” I agree that emotion spurs action, but what exactly should that action be? Solving the world’s most complex and pressing issues like climate change may require technology (and ideas in general) that currently don’t exist. Virtual reality would give us the space to visualize and experience those ideas, the first step to transforming them into actions/tools that can be implemented in our physical reality.